“Change how you see and see how you change”

Zen Proverb

Looking for 1 on 1 Therapy?

While this blog can be tremendously helpful in getting you involved in your own healing journey it is not a replacement for a qualified healthcare practitioner.

I offer a wide range of custom tailored therapies to help speed up and facilitate the healing process and work out the “kinks” along the way. Some services are offered remotely via zoom for those who live outside of Colorado.

Therapies Available at our Colorado Springs Office:

*These can be combined in any way necessary so don’t worry about “which one is best”*

  • Emotional Digestion/De-Storying Sessions:
    • This option is best if you are struggling with symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It is also highly effective for a wide range of physical issues (such as those listed above) and hypersensitivity (such as to lights, sounds, or foods).
Therapies Available Remotely Via Zoom:

*These can be combined in any way necessary so don’t worry about “which one is best”*

  • Evaluation for Chronic Pain (Not currently available remotely)
    • If you are struggling with any type of chronic pain whether it is a local issue such as low back pain or a more full body issue such as fibromyalgia this option can be very helpful.
  • Evaluation for Chronic Health Issues (Not currently available remotely)
    • This option is fantastic if you are struggling with any type of chronic “dis-ease” such as chronic fatigue, digestive issues, or menstrual difficulties.
  • Emotional Digestion/De-Storying Sessions:
    • This option is best if you are struggling with symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It is also highly effective for a wide range of physical issues (such as those listed above) and hypersensitivity (such as to lights, sounds, or foods).