“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”

J.R.R. Tolkien

HOW You Eat is as Imporant as WHAT You Eat:

This is a topic we are going to be covering in amazing detail with specialists in different aspects of nutrition. You will find more information under your own “pick your struggle” however this topic is so large, important, and terribly misunderstood that we need to cover a few big concepts here first.

Did you know that in Traditional Chinese Medicine; HOW you eat is as important as WHAT you eat?

This is such a foreign idea to many and has such PROFOUND implications for our society I am going to say it again…



Let that sink in for a moment. Sit quietly for just a moment and let that resonate…

Putting it in Perspective:

Our society is obsessed with food and “healthy eating,” yet by in large we have completely overlooked our relationship with it. Most of our relationship with food has become unconconscious, and it is far more involved then many of us realize. Let’s explore it.

How you view food (your perspective) matters:

One of the aspects of this relationship is whether you believe you are eating “good” food or “bad” food. If you believe that what you are eating is “good” for you then your ability to digest it is improved and you have positive emotions associated with it “I make good choices, I am proud of myself.” If on the other hand you believe that what you are eating is “bad” for you then your ability to digest it suffers and you have negative emotions associated with it “I make bad choices,” “I am making myself sick,” “I am hurting myself.” (quick side note: there aren’t actually good or bad emotions, it’s all just energy for the body but labeling them prevents healthy energy flow. Described in detail here).

This judgement is problem enough if you KNEW what was “good” or “bad” but often this is not so simple. As a general rule, the more you learn about diet the more confusing the “good” or “bad” question becomes. While most of you reading this probably agree that “fast food” is not healthy for you, what do you consider “fast food?” Is it only places that have drive throughs? All restaurants where you don’t have to sit down to get your food? All non-fine dining restaurants? Anywhere outside the house?

Depending on the articles and books you have read are certain oils ok to cook with and others not ok? What about butter? Is it ok to grill or does it need to be baked? Is it only healthy if it is raw or does it digest better when cooked?

How about the food itself? Is meat bad? Is being Vegan unhealthy? Are some vegetables ok only when properly prepared? Are some meats healthy while others are not?

Are you feeling overwhelmed yet? I am! 😛

In a society where we change our opinion on what is “healthy” or “unhealthy” on a seemingly monthly basis we are never quite sure if we are helping ourselves or hurting ourselves.

Up Next: Judgement and Avoidance With Your Food Relationship