“You can get a lot of work done if you stay with it and are excited and its play instead of work.”

Joseph Campbell, The Hero’s Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life & Work
The Journey From Dis-ease to Ease and Flow:

Over the years I have found that the most challenging aspect of my career is not decoding the dis-ease itself, but helping clients to understand that chasing symptom relief is not the same thing as healing and that true healing takes much less time and effort in the long run if they ride the wave of ups and downs as the body finds homeostasis. When the cycle of healing is understood and trusted by the client, the hard part is over.

There is a wave we all have to surf to get from where we are today to where we want to be in the future. If nothing in our life changes then nothing can improve. We all experience good days and bad days in our relationships, our finances, our social lives and in all other aspects of life; our health is no different, yet we live in a society where we seem to think it is. We rely on “instant” fixes, which become compounded problems in the long run.

To achieve any goal we need to be oriented in the right direction (where am I going and how do I get there) and dedicate a reasonable amount of time and energy towards moving in that direction. One of my teachers did a series of talks on the “8 keys to liberation” in the practice of yoga. In essence these were the 8 potential pitfalls of spiritual practice that could become the 8 keys to beneficial practice if correctly understood. After some reflection on these teachings it became clear to me that the same orientation could be of great value in the field of health and wellness.

This section is intended as an orientation to healing from chronic issues. It can be a guide of sorts to help you avoid the pitfalls that I so often see people fall into while trying to heal and turn these potential pitfalls into allies to help your process be as swift and simple as possible. These posts are equally relevant to ALL chronic health issues that I am aware of from chronic pain to digestive issues to chronic anxiety or depression.

Where To Next?

Start learning about your first “pitfall” and turn it into a beneficial ally:

Learn about your specific challenges in the Pick Your Struggle Tab:

Delve into understanding chronic pain:

Learn about Traditional Chinese Medicine and it’s relevance to your struggles:

Get personalized 1 on 1 attention by scheduling a private session: