Hip Ext. Lv1 (Great for pain when walking!)


Practice THRIVING in daily life by integrating your new knowledge into common activities!

The more you can integrate this movements into your daily routine the faster you will improve and even more importantly you can use these tweaks to keep yourself moving forward when you can’t be as diligent with the corrective movement itself as you would like.

1) Tense your abdomen when walking, start with shorter steps if needed. (This is VERY helpful if you have pain when walking!)

Tensing your stomach muscles helps prevent your back from painfully arching.

2) Use a pillow under your knees when laying on your back and slowly make it smaller. (This is VERY helpful if you have pain while laying in bed!)

Give your spine a break when laying on the couch or sleeping in bed.

3) Practice Wall Squat motions when you have free time around the house or office.

Practice Wall Squat motions when you have free time around the house or office.

4) Get a massage! The muscles associated with this movement are your TFL, Gluteus Medius, Psoas, and Iliacus muscles. When these muscles are too stiff it is common to have pain when walking because they don’t let the hip move freely.

Wishing you amazing joy and all the very best all health,


Where To Next?

Build on your understanding of your low back pain in the following post:

  • Coming soon…

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