Hip Ext. Lv1 (Great for pain when walking!)


Knowledge of a problem gives you power to change it!

An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.

Henry David Thoreau

This corrective movement is great for setting the stage for all types of movement and is especially effective for runners, cyclists, dancers, cheerleaders, swimmers. It is especially helpful if you have pain from from walking or standing for a long while (such as waiting in line.)

Our goal is to correct a common movement issue where the muscles in the front of your hip such as your IT-Band (TFL) and your Psoas muscles are stiffer than the other muscles supporting your pelvis and spine.

When this occurs as your leg attempts to straighten out behind your body, your spine arches instead.

Leg straightens out correctly
Spine arches instead

This is especially problematic because it means that even simply standing, walking, and laying stretched out stresses your lower back which is why so many people with this movement pattern suffer from pain when walking or standing in line!

How do you fix it? Page 2!