Life is a succession of moments, to live each one is to succeed.

Corita Kent
(Find more great quotes here)

This blog was designed for both the “Just give me the next step” person as well as the “I want to understand, teach me so I can be my own guide” person.

If your the “Just give me the next step” type:

I hear you. At the top of the screen you will see a “Pick Your Struggle” button. Click on it, find your issue, and pick a post (I suggest starting at the top and working your way down as each post builds on previous posts). In each post you will be hearing from myself and other professionals. Thriving is easy; just massive!

The fewer limitations your mind has, the fewer limitations your body has, the more energy it has left to heal and eliminate blocks in your life.

Thriving is nothing more than eliminating inefficient ways of thinking or physically being.

Teach your body to work more efficiently with what it has, give it more of what it needs, and stop asking so much of it and your body will heal and bring itself back to a state of thriving.

A quick suggestion:

If you are struggling with chronic pain I really would suggest taking a few minutes before you jump to your “Pick Your Struggle” and learn a bit more about chronic pain on the “Chronic Pain” page.

If at any point you decide to delve deeper into the “big picture” this website is organized so that each menu drop-down builds into more detailed investigations into specific aspects of health. For example “Traditional Chinese Medicine” (under this menu) breaks down into it’s 3 major divisions (Body, Mind, Essence) and each division (Mind) continues to break down into further detail. Each section builds (to a degree) on the previous section so it can be beneficial whenever you feel “lost” to go back to the start of the section you are in.

If you are struggling with any issue AND want 1-1 guidance I offer consultations and emotional digestion sessions virtually through zoom. You can find more information about Emotional Digestion here, and contact me to schedule a phone consultation here. (15 minute consultations are free!)

If you are the “I want to understand, teach me so I can be my own guide” type:

Your just like me! Welcome home, we are going to get along great!

Under this tab you will see a few options:

  • Chronic Pain
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
    • Mind (Spirit)
    • Body (Qi)
    • Abundance (Essence)

If you are struggling with chronic pain or simply want to excel in your physical activities swing by the chronic pain page. You will get to learn all about pain of all sorts and sizes and how to make the most efficient use of your body which will help you excel in any physical activity no matter your age!

Disease is always changing, the more we learn the more our understanding of how to treat the problem changes. What is good today might be wrong tomorrow. How can we solve a problem when the answer is always changing?

This question is at the core of everything you will find here. The solution is that you don’t; you need to ask a different question. Disease is 1 side of a 2 sided coin, the other side is health. In other words; limitation or dis-ease is 1 side and freedom from limitation or ease is the other.

Just like we needed a “how to combat your disease” guide to help us make good choices and help manage our disease we also need a “how to thrive” guide to help direct our energy towards optimal wellness. That guidebook can be found in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

There are many routes to a life where you are strong, capable, and full of vigor. Where you are quick-witted, intelligent, and emotionally joyful and grounded. A life where you are free of disease with boundless energy to pursue your passions. Choose your first step on the Traditional Chinese Medicine page.

This website is organized so that each menu drop-down builds into more detailed investigations into specific aspects of health. For example “Traditional Chinese Medicine” (under this menu) breaks down into it’s 3 major divisions (Body, Mind, Essence) and each division (Mind) continues to break down into further detail. Each section builds (to a degree) on the previous section so it can be beneficial whenever you feel “lost” to go back to the start of the section you are in.

I am constantly adding more posts to each “struggle”. Make sure to check back from time to time or subscribe to the blog so you can keep up to date with new posts. Your issue may not be covered to the level you want yet, or maybe it isn’t even there yet, but it will be!

*A final but very important note…any teaching can be simplified down to a few sentences or a brief concept and this is our “elevator pitch”. This has become the standard for marketing and for much of the information available online through blogs, Facebook, Instagram and others. While this has it’s own value there is a potential problem with this approach and that is that when we oversimplify, our minds “fill in the blanks” and each of us creates our own unique “story” of what we are learning. This doesn’t actually allow for new ideas or new perceptions but rather re-enforces what we EXPECT to learn. My hope with this blog is to help guide you to a new possibility in how you experience and relate to your health and well-being. To do this each post or page builds on what came before it. You do not need to understand or remember all of what you read on this blog. What “sticks” with you is all you need to move onto the next pages. Please do not overthink what you read, just relax and hang on for the ride.*